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November 4, 2013

Dancing With Death

Dancing With Death by dy secondlife
Dancing With Death, a photo by dy secondlife on Flickr.
Is it Possible to Learn to Live, without the Existence of Death? Is it possible to grow without out lessons? Are you capable of appreciating the good times without the bad? Can you learn to overcome things, when there are no obstacles? Without the Darkness, There is no light, and vice versa, We cannot have one without the other, the key is to embrace both sides as your friend, throw yourself into each when presented, if you do not, no lessons are taught, No appreciation is gained. I Love the dark, only because the light is so prominent, I Love the Light, for it is my salvation. For my life, I choose to dance with the darkness, let it envelope me in its sorrow, For once it grows tired of me, The light shall embrace me in its warmth.

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