Ok silence is not so easy, one of my favorite sayings is Silence is golden, Duck tape is silver…. I Love that, Simply put, Learn when to back off and be quiet.
Not every one has an off switch, nor do they have common sense as to when they look like a complete tool. So here are some sayings I love that sometimes help me through stressful situations.
Revenge is best served cold…..
WOW, what a revelation, Stop acting like a psychiatric hospital patient gone AWOL and let it go. Revenge is for those who are weak and need to make themselves feel better, strong people are the ones smiling and ducking with every attempt. Which one do you want to be?
Before you judge someone, Walk in their shoes……
An oldie, but none the less good. Before you judge someone on their opinions, see their side, don’t pretend like you KNOW them, Shockingly your probably wrong.
Its not me, its you
Chances are if your gunning for revenge, it is going to be you that is making it harsh, everyone else is really trying to ignore the fact that you have gone a bit bat shit. Friends may disappear, and god only knows the person your mad at is thankful your gone, and adding up the reasons with every attempt made.
Don’t go away mad, Just go away
Priceless… Do I really have to explain?
My knight in shining armour turned out to be a loser in aluminium foil
A personal Favorite of mine, accept they are not who you thought they were, and since they are not, Move On
I'm so miserable without you, it's almost as if you're here!
Gawd if I had a dime for every time this one was true…. Laughs, Time heals all My friends
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Love this, people think after its over, there is still some things to be said. Sometimes silence says more than words, Like Fuck Off
Hating you would require an emotional commitment
Once again, Only used by the strong, tried and true, walk away and don’t allow them to bother you, you are letting them hurt you… I give no one that right, since it is my choice to feel that way
Peace Out