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December 31, 2011

Does My Sh*t Stink?



Are any of us better than the next? I really don’t think so, But what I do know is it is how we handle our selves and a situation that will most ultimately  be perceived as ourselves.  If you play dirty, I’m going to say your shit may not stink more but… Maybe you just have more of it.  My blog is here for entertainment purposes only, and it is for my pleasure of writing.  I Love to write, I ask No one to read it, they do on their own accord.  It is this thing called free speech.  there is a red X at the top right if you have an issue. 

There is also a Disclaimer saying if your easily offended, to press the for mentioned X.  I Received a comment which is not really legible. Commenting on how miscellaneous parts of my body smell, Yet another portion said a male was giving a blowjob to my brothers.  It was quite eloquent. 

Being in secondlife, I have seen better emotes and descriptions from Noobs who wear boxes really.  BUT  they felt the need to write it, so I am going to explain why my pile of shit is not as large and well as stinky. 

I do not cause crap, why, because shit rolls downhill.  Chances are you will be the one standing in it when it does.   It may seem to be different from another point of view, but anyone that knows me KNOWS I do not argue, I walk and disappear. 

When may my shit smell a bit?  Try sending say your BFF to my virtual lot yelling at me and another person, while we were not even there mind you…. and trying to make it look like he is the biggest douche ever.  That is when My blood boils.  If I am not involved in something, I  do everything in my power to stay that way.  At this point, I am going to be a bitch. 

I do have better things to do than deal with immature actions from a person that feels the need to hurt me for no other than the reason than you THINK I did something to cause you hurt.  I would like to mention I was AFK your whole relationship.  I came back the day before the ax came down so to speak.  I was not the cause, I was the shoulder after, as I have been for many years.  The definition of  being a shoulder to lean on has NOTHING to do with Cyber, Cheating or whatever else you THINK I may have done.  

Even IF I could, you would not believe me regardless so I have to go into Bitch mode, If you think toying with me is amusing, so be it.  I can pretty much write about anything, and Honestly, I can walk away from SL Very easily. It is call Real life, and I had that All Summer and am Completely fine Boxing on my Xbox Kinect. 

Funny thing is I did stop logging, for months and you know what,  The person whom you actually hated, Not me, was still my friend.  SO regardless of what I do, If I come or go, If I am a bitch or not.  Well we are just that good of friends to be able to not listen to the bullshit. 

So In Closing, every ones shit stinks, but some piles  are just bigger than others.

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