Sometimes it happens, We make a decision that ultimately impacts the rest of our life. Without knowing, we take our whole future head on, no holds barred, We trudge through with a determination that no one is stopping us.
I think these are the easiest times really, If we knew it was life changing we would have probably thought a bit more about it. Considered other options, even left some doubt.
So our lives technically change with every decision we make, It travels to tomorrow with us like our shadow.
One day at Starbucks I was in the drive through, I was tired, running late and needed a triple Caramel Macciatto to make it a better day. I was in the process of ordering as the SUV behind me proceeded to hit me.
I got out in the darkness of the early morning with the shadows of the parking lights against the bumper of my Brand new 2010 Malibu and this woman talking to me apologizing. Apparently her day was worse off than mine.
After exchanging information, as the woman in the speaker that had been taking my order was asking if I was OK, If They needed to call 911 If I still wanted my coffee…I kinda need it more now Uh Yeah… can you add Baileys??? Damn…
I pulled up to the window to get my coffee, once I paid for mine, I then asked, How much was the coffee for the lady behind me?
I honestly don’t remember how much but say 7 dollars. I dug in my purse for a few more dollars and said, Here, Ill pay for her coffee.
She stared at me…. “Your paying for the coffee of the lady that just hit you?”
“Yes, Because My day was bad before, But now hers is worse than mine, It is the nice thing to do”
It was as if I had passed off any cloud I had for the happiness of another. Did she expect to find out I had paid for her coffee, Not likely, But I’ll bet that one action that day made her crap of a morning a bit better, I know all of a sudden my day seemed better, and well, I had just gotten hit….
After that I started at random, Paying for peoples lunches at Burger King, Coffee at Bigbys and starbucks, and once gas at a gas station. The gas was actually more of a here is some money for gas, he was on his way up from Indiana, around Fort Wayne area and his Debt card was not working, I have been there. He was out of gas and needed to get to lansing, another 30 Miles. That would be hard on an Empty tank. His cell phone was dead, He used mine, His debt card was useless… I already knew I was not about to Fill up his tank, But I had 10 dollars to offer to help him get to his mom. His name? I honestly don’t know, I could not pick him out of a line up now if I tried.
Leaving Aldis one day I went to get Into my car, It was a bad time for me, I was in Indiana, Hours away from home, minimum wage job and 20 dollars to spend for a few weeks of Groceries. I found an envelope under my wiper blade with “God told me you needed this” Inside was another 20 dollar bill, One to replenish the 20 I had just spent. A pit in my stomach I looked around in awe, Not able to comprehend what had just happened. I still to this day have no clue who gave me that envelope. Did I know them? Did they know me and my financial issues? Was this just a freak occurrence or was it god telling me, I am here looking out for you, Your doing your best.
We all need to step back and remember not what we see is always what's really going on. One small choice can change your life, For me it was that 20 Dollar bill, In a white envelope. Now when I see someone having a bad day, Struggling, or even just looking as if they are lost, I offer help, a Smile or maybe even a gas station rose as I go back to my car. Not everyone knows how to pay it forward but they will be changed by it when It happens. Maybe they cannot afford to buy gas for someone, But they can offer their phone, a friendly smile and just being genuinely well, Human.
Not all my days are spent paying it forward, I get lost in the crap life has to offer, But one thing I do know is that I always leave feeling better if I know I made a difference in someone's Minute, Their day, maybe gave them a glint of hope that had lost its luster after so many failed attempts. Half of success is your motivation and drive, How you look at the situation. If you have a Positive attitude, I guarantee your chances of success will go up compared to the negative.
May your day be filled with Random acts of kindness and may you pass it on to the next person in need.
Peace Out…
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