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July 9, 2011

The 6 Degrees of Something

I love to write, It is a hobby, a Habit, maybe even an obsession,  It have turned to it since I was young to pour out my feelings that I cannot express, as I listen to  emo music and get clarity into my life.  It is Something I have always done, and usually by the end of a poem or blog I have learned something new about myself.  .The 6 Degrees of something, Like the six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,  Everything has a link to something else, it is just finding your way through the maze of life to get there. All of the above has Nothing and everything to do with this blog… Why  because I just wrote it out, and somehow it all links back to me.

s_specialThe other day I was told by a friend we had “Something special” … Really?  Something, it is a Blanket statement, it is pretty lenient as far as WHAT was special, it was a great attempt to explain “something” that you cannot describe nor are you willing to  figure out.  So I told them, That will Be my Next blog, On Something

What is Something? It is Definitely not nothing,  since SOME is more than None, so if you were to put a number to it, it would have to be higher than zero,  It is less that VERY so it cannot be a lot, but an upgrade compared to nothing or zilch or nada.

The Definition of Something is as Follows

something         pron

1. an unspecified or unknown thing; some thing he knows something you don't take something warm with you

something or other one unspecified thing or an alternative thing

3. an unspecified or unknown amount; bit something less than a hundred

4. an impressive or important person, thing, or event isn't that something?


1. to some degree; a little; somewhat to look something like me

2. (foll by an adjective) Informal (intensifier) it hurts something awful

So If something Equals out to more than nothing, Less than everything, I am guessing I am just about average with something to offer but nothing to receive… Or is It the Opposite?

Something is Simply something, Now when we add special to something so That ups the numeric value,  by, Well I don’t know lets say 10, so special is  a term reserved for things that have a higher denominator than just something, it is for those things me may have more value in, something, Again, We have a fondness for. Maybe they read my blog and thought I was just simply headed for somewhere on a short bus… always an option…..

Special is as follows

special     ]   adj

1. distinguished, set apart from, or excelling others of its kind

2. (prenominal) designed or reserved for a particular purpose a special tool for working leather

3. not usual or commonplace

4. (prenominal) particular or primary his special interest was music

5. (Social Science / Education) denoting or relating to the education of physically or mentally handicapped children a special school


1. a special person or thing, such as an extra edition of a newspaper or a train reserved for a particular purpose

So now that I have been upgraded from the rest with special, I should be happy right?  Now I am a Newspaper or a Mode of transportation, Or maybe even exceeding expectations of the normal. *Does a small Happy dance* 

Which still does not clarify what the something is though,  I am still in limbo on what something is,  I could be special for a particular purpose,  which,may fit on some occasions but what is known at this point is “Something special” is more than someone else, but probably less than others which still puts me ahead of the game, Half of the time.

If this was a game of Bowling I would have an average of 150,  But life is not a game of bowling now is it?  It is More like hockey to me,  Picking up players, racing to the finish line to be the first to get past the obstacle in your way.  there is fighting, there is checking into the boards of life, and there is a party after it is done… Go Stanley!….

So the bottom line to this Blog is Something….

1.. I am more than Nothing

2. I am a Mode of transportation, type of Newspaper’

3. I am ahead of the game half of the time

4. I exceed expectations for a particular purpose

5. I can be compared to a sport

and Finally 6

I am in  whatever definition “Something special”

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