Once upon a time there was a girl, she lived in second life… Well not yet really just a visitor at this point. Any way there was this girl Ok.. She had a account LOL.. Back to topic, I had at one time found an outfit, It was called racerwear, it was at this beach, I was only a few days old, I bought Lindens and went back to this Nude Beach Mall to Buy it and the matching boots of course. I had Maybe a dozen friends None who were ever online due to frustration or Inability to leave Orientation Island so I was pretty much on my own.
As I looked for the outfit I had found earlier, I received an IM, Most are random Right.
“You have a nice avatar”
Ok give me a break I'm New I have NO friends and well Hell they seemed, Well alive…..
I took it Hook Line and sinker, But really it was worth it.

*After a really Nice night out he asked Me, why did you change your hair…. On my screen it looked great, Not so much on his LMAO oh and BTW that is the Outfit I bought the day I met him
Ill call him Blade, he took me to his apt, Only a few days older than I, He treated like a friend, Offered Me a place to say (I ended up buying a Lot myself) and showed me his Scripted shower… Laughs… I am still looking for that particular one over 4 years later.
Now, Being new to SL I was Not prone to know crap, I mean Really, OMG I did Like him, He was freakin adorable, He was English, Had the dry sporadic, slightly off the wall sense of humor and he was an artist. I love the creative type, they see outside the box.. No they Burn the box while painting trees and making Music with random metal objects.
a side story now, I did get him a transfer gift for his birthday, It was a very nice leather jacket, we both got them,…..I thought it was a good gift. he looked Hawt in it ummm back then lol

Ok this part Is going to sound horrible, I mean Really Horrible, Because I was Honestly clueless.. But we discussed it like a year later and Umm.. Gawd I am so stupid. My Birthday came around, and we hung at times, Not ALL the time though I mean I did Not see it as like a Partnership, and in my defense he NEVER asked Me, (Points to You.. Your fault)
(What I looked Like when I didn’t have Noob hair)

anyway he gave me a ring, It was beautiful, I wore it the Minute he gave it to me, OK, OK It was On the left hand Whatever.. I still didn’t have a clue on this whole partnership thing OK!
I remember we hung at a friends house with his GF and also my soon to be partner, whom in all honesty I had been spending the majority of my time with.
I remember he already had an X then, He had talked of how mean she was and how she had tricked him to see her and then her friends had griefed and then I am guessing objected him from the land.. at this point I was so new I was Oblivious to all the Drama. What I did know was how I felt though.
when we first met it was intense,,.. His words and mine.. He was the one who kinda broke me into Secondlife. I remember I bought him a pair of jeans… They were No transfer… Really.. I did that.. Like I understood.. I learned fast though. he was patient with me.
All in all there was 4 months that transpired and most of my time , Now keeping it real, Blade was a Player, He had many girls that he could choose from. He had SL buy its virtual balls.with another set in his pocket. He was not Lets say desperate. what set him aside from the majority was his creative side. He was not sending just mundane Instant messages, Each one was a master piece in itself. He has talent.
Another side story… Get him drinking, OMG Now that was funny, He may log in, toasted beyond any capacity and his creative juices would be flowing, To bad he always passed out before he could finish a sentence…
So, I got partnered, my partner of course had animosity towards him, It was hard at first, but one fine day at the sandbox blade IMd me. “I need a crypt built, Know anyone?” Umm Yea, My partner.. He is fantastic, and he was. It took a bit of talking but I finally talked him into making the crypt for blade. after a few Meets they started to almost like each other… I was happy.
Like real life, In divorces it separates people. I lost all the friends, Funny thing, I didn’t lose them, they had just kind of sided with team X. and Blade was one of them. He loved my Xs building, and after being a group of friends for 3 years, I had become the outsider. I stepped back, and left the group, I never defriended them, I still had a common bond, But all in all, I knew, they had bonded much more. Like with Blade, I also lost my closest Girl Friend to the partnership dissolving. I had spent more hours with these people than most real life friends, I knew their pet names, their fav drink, Their music tastes and words that made them laugh, I had pretty much lost my past due to a decision that was best for both me and X. Funny thing, I never lost X, He is and always be there for me, We hang in SL, Skype and poke each other on Face book. I guess that is kind of odd, I mean mostly when People break up it is mud slinging and name calling. You will never hear me say anything bad about him. He is a good man, and when it was dissolved it was the best choice for him and me. On occasion I will see them Online, I don’t say much, really I say nothing, so much time has passed and I feel like if I did now they would be like… Umm Why are you saying Hi, We have not talked In over a year… That’s pathetic Right?? so I stay on the DL with new friends.
So Ok, Here is Finally the Premise of my Blog, I get an IM from Blade, Now I have been to his sporting events and said Hi, Asked Him for LMs to his store Etc but never chatted properly to him, It has been very staple conversation as you would with any stranger. Regardless I was pleased to hear from him, He is not online much anymore now, He has a RL love that he came across in SL… Yea For You! He is very happy and is still, Well the creative genius stuck in an Emo lookin body. I will always remember the English Humor, the silly “Cock” jokes blade and X used to do (and probably still do) and him sharing his art and music with me (Btw Been waiting On that CD for 4 Years now) . He has a drawing skill of a god, and a mind as warped as any literal artist. If you cannot appreciate the details he puts Into his work, You must be blind.
Here is to wishing you well my friend, My OLD friend. We have had our ups and downs, I have pissed you off, and You me, we have fought, screamed and then let it fall off to the nothingness that is proper for 2 friends. You are and always will be My First SL friend, and Un Thanks again for that ring….. Laughs

Lindsay and Blade 2010