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February 21, 2012

Rest In Peace - Avatar


We have all met those who are the Dramatizers,  The ones sending out the notes to all their “Friends”  the ones that are basically screaming PLEASE talk to Me!    I have had a few over the years who claimed they were leaving for good, Even had a going away party…… No one ever leaves for good I always say.  We may change games, Make an alt or find another hobby for a while, BUT the few people we are close to can always reach us. 

I have a few hobbies I have not done in a While,  I used to draw and be really good… at houses… Ha ha.  But I decided to try anime,  Funny thing, I Own anime… Precious Moments are a type of anime.  It occurred after My first three Horrible sketches were complete.  Big eyes, Tiny Nose… about to cry.. My goal is to get decent enough to do a story board.  Now that is some cool shit.  I also took Up stick figure animation,  I laugh at My First Video… Oh my, it is a Bit chaotic.  It is about meeting people, lots, then as they all walk out you are left with that One person,  that one that matters.  Sometimes shit happens, but eventually they always come back together,  the end is them walking off the screen hand in Hand… I can tell U, I did get Hella Lot better at the end compared to the first 10 or 20 screens.   Amazing what the mind can do for busy time at work when your bored.

So back to topic.  would you even miss your friends list?  I highly doubt it,  Most people that are there you never talk to, I started to weed mine out a few Nights ago, I don’t even remember meeting these people.  None of them will remember me, I mean I have a Fantastic memory and If I do not remember them, I am a spec of dust on their puzzle pieces of a virtual world.

So I am going to be honest and say 1 person may miss me online… that’s it.  and although we do not share numbers etc, they know to email me and I would be right there.  I don’t take friendship for granted, nor would I let someone suffer knowingly.  It think that’s bull shit and maybe you need to look in the mirror at what type of friend you are.  I say that, but really some people are to “the sky is falling" AHHHH”   Ok,  I do not have friends like that….. Thankfully.  

My Profile has not changed a bit, it never will by much, maybe Ill put “Semi-Retired” or “Retired” just so if they perchance look me up, they know Hey!  I can safely delete them cause well they are NOT here.

What irritates me is the constant profile changing,  It is almost amusing, Like watching a soap opera every few days.

Day One – Fuck you people who hurt me, I don’t deserve this

Day 4 – You Know who you are and YOUR wrong… (Insert Name) is a total Bitch

Day 6 - I am tired of Being stepped on and used.   My heart has Been broken.. Beware

Day 10 - I am a Happy free spirit looking to chat dance and have fun, I love to shop and do Role Play….

HUH?  What the hell is this?  In 9 days?  No wonder it is hard to find the basket cases,  it changes daily… and I Mean Daily.

So I guess the bottom line here is,  for those who do leave any virtual world for whatever reason, Its Ok,  we all do, don’t make a huge deal, Walk away… sometimes a break is needed, sometimes Real life is calling, sometimes well,  It is not cold in Michigan!  Ha ha

For those I leave behind, those that I want contact with have more than enough avenues to do so. 

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