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June 3, 2011

Letting go–Poem

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Closing my eyes my mind numbs from the cold,

Not from this world, But a Place once made of gold

a place of comfort, happiness and true love,

But now I reside in a place where I slip on coats and gloves,

a garden once planted, Now looks lifeless and in dyer need,

a small wound once insignificant, Now continues to bleed,

a world that was everything I wanted and so much more,

Is now a dilapidated building, paint chipping, and a dirt floor,

the sky was so blue, the puffy clouds radiated life and love

is Now dark and ominous, like a storm hoovers above,

I used to curl up with warmth, a small glint in my eye,

But now the only thing my eyes see, Is the tears that I cry

streaching out my arms, my muscles ache from being still,

a slow crawl across the cold hard floor, I take in my fill

holding the wall, then the sill, the panes covered in a dirt crust

using my finger I make a heart, the glass shatters like dust

It is then I see the outside, the warm air rushes In

the birds in a chirping frenzy, the trees sway in the wind,

The flowers blooming in vibrant colors, a rainbow would be proud

the sky so bright and blue, with slow moving marshmallow like clouds,

One at a time, I draw another heart on each dirty pane,

and each one shatters, with a small whisper of your name

Once they have all been diminished to not much more than a pile

I slip my soul through the opening, and for the first time, I smile

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