It is summer, the weather is warm, I am taking daily walks behind an Escalade that goes a hell of a lot faster than me and My old puppy can walk, and God knows I am NOT ready to put on that Bikini, Let alone a tent Like Bathing suit.
We all go through this, It is Inevitable, We look at our selves and think of our bad qualities, we pick ourselves apart, It is Human nature to look at what others have and disregard our own goodness, I mean Really do I look like a Small Mini Condo Complex in that suit? Oh yes, I DO! Life itself is not always bad, We all make bad decisions, I have made a few bad decisions, But I believe my good ones Out weigh the bad. But in my vast knowledge of life, which is not by far any more than yours, these are the Lessons I have learned and Ones that I try to Uphold.
- Whenever you have a gut feeling, go with it. I say this because I believe we are all “Special” in our
own way, Not in the way our mom said… Yea that was quit a pile of Bullshit, But honestly I am doing the same thing with my son, But he is special *Laughs*. I am talking special in a Psychic manner, Our inner psyche knows things that are not apparent to our visual mind, as humans we can Misconstrue just about anything and also, alter our thoughts to match or mimic what we WANT to believe, Stop it, Go with the gut, chance of it being right are pretty damn good.
- Never leave things unsaid, Ever. Even if you just jot them down and shoot them in an email, I say this for 1 reason, It is easier to be let down than to just not know and always wonder, there is so many people that have missed opportunities because they did not speak up, and this goes from job opportunities to Love. I would rather have a broken heart on the mend than live my life wondering what if…. it is the what ifs we get stuck on, we end up what Iffing everything, We end up not looking forward because we are to damn busy living in the past, Because I mean really, What If???
- When Possible, always eat dessert – Ok your thinking this is
probably the lamest one on the list, NO this is actually pretty damn Important, besides the Sweet Crustiness of a fresh baked pie and the creamy smooth taste of cheese cake, this goes for Life's choices, all the sweet ones, always try to enjoy the moment – that is what dessert is about, enjoying. Dessert represents the good things in life, and we should always choose to eat dessert, a couple times a day if possible, Then if there is still room for some Jello and whipped cream, Have at it.
- Apologize, apologize, apologize…… I need to work on this
one, Because I am hard headed, But it takes a lot before I get to the point before I wont back down, so of course it is completely their fault in the end, because I have a 9 to 1 ratio, Me on the high end for apologies. I don’t mind being the one to say “I am sorry” but everyone else has to buck up and do their part to. sometimes it may take me a while, But I do eventually do it and only when I mean it. I don’t toss it out there Like a dog biscuit and see if it is taken, No, I say it, I move on. I Know I sound a bit cold on this subject But really since I am always the one apologizing because I HATE to hurt people, well, one day ill find someone who will be 50/50 with me on this and realize they are not always right, Which leads me to the Next one.
- Realize your NOT always right – I have learned a lot about personalities over the last year, the types and the traits, I am an Introverted feeler, I am the INF (I am 50/50 on the P and J I’ll take the test again *Sighs*) so I am not particularly in love with arguing, so I am easy to back down and take the fall, but there is also a internal guard I have which consists of this thing called self respect, this in itself allows me to say, “Um Fuck You” and walk away. If I have to back down ALL the time and there is no bending on the other side what so ever, well I am the one who has already done my part so it comes down to You who needs to look in the Mirror. I will eventually go to #4 and apologize if I need to for maybe My actions, But I will Not apologize for not accepting your derelict ways of Looking at things, I have my own twisted ass way of life, I am not going to circumvent your Bull shit into it and mess it all up.
- Dance and sing like no one is watching – Really, this is another dessert one, It is a reference to something we typically don’t do, I
honestly have a horrid voice, and you would pay me to shut up, and I am completely fine with that, BUT when it comes to life Be yourself, don’t pay attention to what every one else is doing, and don't try to act differently because it may not be accepted, the only way to be you, is well, to dig deep, and do all the stupid shit, which comes down to dance and sing like no one is watching, Someone is going to appreciate that and maybe they will catch on, Now wouldn’t it be nice if every one took off their fake ass masks and was who they really were , It would save a lot of time and heart break in the end, Now wouldn’t it.
- Appreciate your Differences – This one is attached to #6, only because it allows others to be different, We are all so busy trying to conform to whatever is acceptable and what is the popular choice we forget that we are all Individuals, the term Individual is this
Adjective: Single; separate: "individual tiny flowers".
Noun: A single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family
I am Not saying you cannot like what is Popular, I am saying Don’t like it because it is popular, Like it because it is who you are, So many people are out there carrying dogs In purses, wearing Big sunglasses and floppy ass hats, getting their nails done, that they get caught up in what is popular, and then there is Lady Ga Ga, Now she understand what being an Individual means, Screw the press, screw the Paparazzi, This is it, Yes she Looks Odd, Maybe even Off her rocker, But you know what, She is singing and dancing Like No one is watching AND she is an Individual… Um You Fuckin Rock Lady Ga Ga
- Dreams are for the sleeping – I am the Utmost Guilty one
for this, Seriously, I am pathetic, My Email, My Virtual Property My Life structure is built around dreams, But what they REALLY are is goals, That is such a harsh term I think that is why people dream, because dreams are a bit far Fetched so If you don’t reach them, Well It WAS just a dream. A Goal on the other hand is something you CAN Obtain, something within reach BUT with hard work, which most are not willing to put enough work into it to reach.n So stop with the Dreaming shit, Really,m have goals, that is the grown up term, and really we all need to grow up at some point, Which Brings me to #9.
- NEVER GROW OLD – Huge difference in Up and Old, and I think people forget how much fun it is to be a kid, the imagination, the laughter at silly stuff the perfect way of doing nothing and
everything all at once. The happiness with just the Hose on a hot day, the simplicity of not being something we were not. If children are good at one thing, it is being their self and trying to squeeze every minute and every smile out of every corner out of every day. We all have responsibilities, We cant say screw it, I’m not paying the Mortgage, But take note from children and remember, there is always time to smile and have fun, and sometimes you may have to look silly doing it, but the chances of that smile being contagious, Is worth its weight in gold.
- Learn From Your Mistakes – Don’t lose the lesson, In what you do, EVER, If something does not work out, there is a reason, and the reason is your lesson, Most people walk away from relationships and see its over, But Why… there is a reason it did not just happen, there was a process that took place, and somewhere in there is a lesson that one day IF you Heed the warning, You can stop from happening again, It is so simple to walk away and just cut your Losses, But really it is so much smarter to get something out of a failure, It makes you a better stronger person in the Long run
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